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2022 YLR 2383 Thumb - impression expert , report of --- Evidential value --- Opinion of expert was always a weak type of evidence and was not that of conclusive nature --- Expert's testimony recorded in the case in hand could not be treated as substitute of available direct evidence ---

2022 MLD 818Under section 47 of the Registration Act, 1908 the document operates from the date of its execution inter se the parties i.e., the date from which the parties intended it to operate and not from the date when it is entered in the register of Registrar.

2022 SCMR 550 Promotion---Merit---Competent authority is bound to consider all eligible candidates for promotion on merit---In the matter of civil service, there should not at all be any instance where the competent authority is found to be accommodating any one civil Servant for grant of promotion by not considering or ignoring

2022 SCMR 448Ad-hoc employee---Seniority---Seniority in the grade to which a civil Servant is promoted is to take effect from the date of regular appointment to a post in the grade---Services rendered by the employees on ad-hoc basis prior to their regularization cannot be counted for the purpose of their seniority

PLD 2022 ISLAMABAD 120 S. 491---Constitution of Pakistan, Arts. 9 & 199(1)(b)(i)---Constitutional petition---Habeas corpus, writ of---Custody of child---Scope---Jurisdiction of a Court adjudicating a habeas corpus petition in relation to a child cannot be confused with an ordinary habeas corpus petition where focus of Court is on recovery of the person illegally

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2022 CLC 563 S.3 Arts.113 & 120 ---Specific Relief Act (I of 1877), Ss. 42 & 54---Limitation, determination of---Jurisdiction of Court---Respondent-plaintiff filed suit for declaration and injunction in which he claimed to be owner in possession of suit land on the basis of an agreement to sell---Suit filed by respondent-plaintiff was

2022 S C M R 528 (a) Constitution of Pakistan-------Arts. 184(3) & 190---Administrative Committee of the Supreme Court, functions of---Implementation of directions/orders of the Supreme Court passed in its jurisdiction under Art. 184(3) of the Constitution---Nothing in law prevents the Supreme Court to hold administrative meetings with concerned agencies/functionaries to ensure

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PLD 2022 Lahore 773Constitution of Pakistan--- ----Art. 199---Criminal Procedure Code (V of 1898), Ss. 561-A, 249-A & 265-K---Constitutional jurisdiction---Quashing of FIR---Alternate remedy, availability of---Effect---Jurisdiction of the High Court under Art. 199 of the Constitution is extraordinary and should be invoked only when there is no adequate and efficacious alternative remedy---Generally speaking,

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